March 25, 2014 Off to MADRID!
After finals and moving out of my apartment I did not have much time to pack but it was OK cause I am going to Europe! My flight leaves LAX at 6:50am. I decided not to sleep. I got ready at 4am and arrived at the airport at 5:00am. When I arrived I saw Kelly, one of the girls that was on my program. I met her on Facebook and found out that we had the same flight so we met up and traveled together.
Though there was a lot of turbelence on the flight from LAX to ATL, we survived! The airport was so beautiful! While waiting for our 4 hour layover in Madrid, we met a lot of other students that were in our program that were on the same flight. We all bonded! Off to Madrid!
March 26, 2014 8:30am
We arrived at Madrid! It looks so much different than I had expected, but then again I did not know what to expect. All I know is that I was excited for the adventures to begin!
On the taxi ride to ACCENT, the company that put this all together, I saw it all! I felt like I was in Seattle or something. I didn't expect Madrid to look like this!